Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Good news on the Terrell Lake Dam

From Elie Friedlob -

I just learned from Rachel Vasak at NSEA [Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association] that they have received a grant that will fund the redesign/reconfiguration of the Terrell Lake dam.

As many of you know, we have been trying to figure out a way to get more water into the creek around spawning time to help the chum make it up stream. They are big fish that like to have their bodies immersed fully in water to feel comfortable (unlike the coho which don't seem to mind as much).

The reconfiguration and design of the dam is a very important step that was started two or so years ago when Ryan Vasak, Rachel's husband, developed an initial plan/design for his master's thesis at Western. With NSEA's help, the next step was to obtain the grant. That was awarded and another big success is that BP [refinery] is going to provide matching funding to undertake this big re-design - a significant amount of financial support.

Lets celebrate this wonderful news! Many thanks to NSEA and Ryan and BP as well as all of YOU who have helped to make this whole Terrell Creek restoration a long term and successful effort.

More to come.....

Thanks so much for your continued contribution to this effort!
